If asked, most corporate brands will suggest blue for a logo color. It communicates honesty and loyalty. Blue is associated with the sky and water, power and authority. For decades, financial institutions and corporations insisted on blue as a corporate color due to its connections to stability and strength.
Blue can feel rich and hyptnotic, or it can become banal and invisible, depending on the application. The term “type and blue stripe” is a reference to dull corporate graphics standards that utilized a bar of navy blue on the top or side of a page and white typography set in Helvetica. Alternatively, blue can be surprising when used dramatically and unexpectedly.
In Western culture, blue is masculine, whereas pink is feminine. Aristocracy is referred to as blue-blooded. However, manual laborers are called blue-collar workers while professionals are white-collar workers. Blue is the color of holiness in Judaism. In Hinduism, blue represents the god Krishna.