Yellow is a primary color that cannot be created with other colors. It is universally regarded as cheerful, representing happiness, sunlight, optimism, and creativity.
IBM Selectric
Wolff Olins, Su Murphy ~ 2014
Yellow can be used to create a bold contrast with other colors. It works well as a replacement of gray when the goal is vibrancy. Many designers fear knocking type out of yellow to white, but this works when enough magenta (at least 20%) is mixed with yellow.
Yellow and Black create avocado green. Therefore, used as a second duetone color or overprinted on black and white will create a sickly greenish tone.
Pentagram, Michael Bierut ~ 2013
Erick Spiekerman ~ 2019
In Japan, Yellow represents courage. In China, only the emperor was allowed to wear Yellow. A Yellow patch was used to label Jews during Middle Ages, and European Jews were forced to wear yellow “Stars of David” by the Nazis. Negative connotations include cowardice. For example, a cowardly person might be described as “yellow”.